#12 – Cashew Yogurt

There are many Indian & Middle East stews, sauces, and dressings which call for yogurt as a main ingredient.  At most health food stores these days vegan yogurt is pretty easy to find to provide a good dairy-free alternative for those recipes (as well as flavoured variations to eat right out of the container of course), however, making it yourself in my opinion is so easy that buying it is unnecessary and perhaps undesirable as well if one has the wherewithal to get a much fresher batch.  Here is the technique:

photo 1

Soak 1 cup cashews 8 hours or overnight.  Strain then run through blender with 1/2 cup water until smooth.  Pour into glass container.

photo 2

Cover with something breathable like a cloth or similar fabric, leave at room temperature for 12 – 18 hours and it’s done.

photo 3

Looking closely you can see bubbles formed in it after the sitting time which is the indicator that the natural, air-borne friendly bacteria have commenced their fermenting party.  Cover, store in the fridge and use within one week.


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